
"Young Researchers" program – 2024 conference

For the 14th edition of the conference, the Institut Pasteur hosted several young scientists as part of the "Young Researchers" program it is involved in.

This scientific outreach initiative, led by the Arbre des Connaissances organization, offers pairs of middle and high school students the chance to be partnered by experienced scientists for hands-on introductory sessions to science in the Institut Pasteur's laboratories. Seven pairs and one trio made up of students from collège Janson de Sailly and lycée Camille See were hosted in six laboratories this year.
To conclude this hands-on introduction to science, the Conference for Young Researchers will be held on the Institut Pasteur campus on Wednesday May 29. At this event, the students will speak about their experiences and receive a certificate. It will take place in the Agnes Ullmann lecture hall at 5.30pm.

Feel free to come along and show your support to these young researchers!
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