May 03, 2024
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Keen to provide all its staff with a high-quality working environment, in 2023 the Institut Pasteur devised and implemented a structured disability policy for the Institut Pasteur community, thereby demonstrating its commitment to improving the inclusion of disabled people.
If you are disabled or think you qualify as disabled, you can seek assistance and support from the following internal stakeholders, while also working with external agencies (Agefiph, Cap Emploi, MDPH):
• the Disability Office
• the Occupational Health and Prevention Department
• and the IP social worker
By gaining official recognition of your disability, you can access a range of rights, allowances and services.
For further information, feel free to check out the resources available:
HR FAQ platform, Disability section
Content on ePasteur (information, Agefiph practical guides, useful links, presentations)
The Disability Office
Launched to provide individual support and administrative assistance for people with disabilities, the Disability Office is responsible for progressively implementing the various measures in the disability policy adopted at the Institut Pasteur.
The office can be contacted by email: