May 07, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Institut Pasteur is continuing to strengthen its gender equality policy by means of a dedicated group and several measures. Two new measures underpin this commitment:
An internal survey will be conducted from May 4 to 21 among all senior scientific staff members to get a clearer idea of what might be hindering women scientists' careers and to refine our action plan to increase the representation of female scientists in positions of scientific responsibility.
The questionnaire will help us to assess the perceptions and opinions of both female and male scientists on gender equality issues.
It is being sent to all senior scientific staff members in all categories, in order to identify what is standing in the way of women scientists' career development: self-censorship, professional/family life balance, gender bias in recruitment and assessment bodies, visibility of women at scientific events, etc.
It will serve to guide the Institut Pasteur’s action plan in order to help improve the situation and envisage implementation of a Gender Equality Plan (GEP). The Gender Equality Plan is a new eligibility criterion to get access to Horizon Europe funding and will be required by public bodies, research organizations and higher education institutions starting in 2022.
• This anonymous survey will run from May 4 to 21.
• It is sent to all senior scientific staff members working at the Institut Pasteur.
• Questionnaire recipients may answer in French or English by directly clicking on the link received in their email on May 4 (email sender :
To find out more about the questionnaire, click here
To find out more about the Women and Science project
So what is the state of gender equality in scientific circles? How does prejudice, whether conscious or unconscious, concerning gender difference affect the quality of scientific research at the Institut Pasteur? How can we improve well-being in the workplace and facilitate the careers of female scientists?
The Women and Science working group is continuing its activity with events scheduled throughout the month of June, which is gender equality awareness month, for which Carla Saleh will be the honorable sponsor. This activity includes eight events structured around three key topics:
Review the current situation on gender equality in scientific circles
Tackle prejudice to strengthen our scientific activity
Improve well-being in the workplace and the careers of female scientists
An international panel of experts share their experience of these issues via video conference on Teams between June 3 and 30. Discussion sessions will be held at the end of each one. Talks will be in English, except for the one on sexist acts and harassment which will be held in French and English.
To take part and receive information please pre-register by completing the dedicated online form. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the organizing committee at Upcoming editions of the newsletter will contain further information about the detailed program.
Save the dates:
Opening session
Thursday 3/06, 1.30-3pm
Tackle prejudice to strengthen our scientific activity
Session 1: Monday 7/06, 11am-12pm
Session 2: Friday 11/06, 1.30-2.30pm
Review of the current situation on gender equality in scientific circles
Session 1: Monday 14/06, 11am-12pm
Session 2: Tuesday 15/06, 11am-12pm
Improve well-being in the workplace and the careers of female scientists
Session 1: Tuesday 22/06, 10-11.30am
Session 2: Thursday 24/06, 11am-12pm (in English) and 2-3pm (in French)
Closing session
Wednesday 30/06, 5-6pm
The organizing committee hopes that as many of you as possible will be able to attend this unique event.
Organizing committee: Gizem Altay, Virginie Ambelouis-Hachard, Caroline Demangel, Ilana Gabanyi, Hajar Guedira, Odile Hermabessiere, Nadia Izadi-Pruneyre, Hanna Julienne, Marta Mansos-Lourenço, Alexis Matamoro-Vidal, Claire Maudet-Crepin, Sarah Hélène Merkling, Mariana Mesel-Lemoine, Amélie Leclercq, Sara Ortica, Florence Percie du Sert, Rachel Torchet.