Life outside the lab

Second edition of the StaPa Photo Contest: vote for your favorite photo until December 7

For the second year in a row, StaPa, the Institut Pasteur's association for young researchers, is organizing its StaPa Photo Contest. The first selection phase has now taken place and a shortlist of photos has been chosen. The competition was open to all staff, who were able to enter three photos, scientific or non-scientific, on a topic of their choice.

The 53 shortlisted photos selected in the first round are now on display in The 25, and you can vote for your favorite.

Everyone can vote, so take a paper and admire all the photos to elect the most beautiful ones.

Here are the rules for the vote:

1) You can vote for only 3 photos!

2) Write the number of your 3 favourite photos.

3) Write also your mail address below (to be sure you have voted only once).

4) Put your vote in the box that is on one of the panel.

3 photos will be selected from a professional’s jury and 3 others from the most voted pictures.

Votes will be closed on December 7 and results will be announced on December 14 during the Social time at 6:30pm in The 25.

Thanks for your participation and may the most beautiful photos win!
