
Check out the exhibition Louis Pasteur & Jean-Jacques Henner, a long friendship until March 3, 2024

Because of the work to restore and renovate the historical building that houses the Pasteur Museum, the Institut Pasteur generously offered to loan the three portraits of the Pasteur family produced by Jean-Jacques Henner in the late 1870s – the portrait of Louis Pasteur, his daughter Marie-Louise and his daughter-in-law Jeanne Boutroux – to the Jean-Jacques Henner museum.

To showcase this loan, the Henner museum is hosting a special exhibition from November 15 to March 3, 2024, that explores the relationship between the scientist and the painter. The history of their long friendship is illustrated by archives from the Henner museum (the painter's diaries, letters from Pasteur, signed works) and by additional artifacts loaned by the Pasteur Museum (photographs, sculptures, archives, paintings and drawings). These items shed new light on the relationship between the two men and reveal their many similarities and affinities.

A series of special events related to the exhibition are being arranged (themed tours, lectures and workshops for children), and Institut Pasteur staff are warmly invited to come along.

Download the program (in French)

Télécharger le livret de l'exposition

