
Scientific symposium for the winners of the 2016 Sanofi-Institut Pasteur Awards

symposium_a3_2016-sans-traits-de-coupe.png Sanofi has renewed its commitment to the Institut Pasteur for the fifth year running by sponsoring the Sanofi-Institut Pasteur Awards, which each year are presented to world-class scientists in recognition of their innovative work in life science and biomedical research.

On Tuesday December 13, from 2 to 5pm, a major scientific symposium will be held in the Émile Duclaux lecture hall at the Institut Pasteur for this year's four award winners to come and present their research.

The winners are Olivier Neyrolles and Françoise Benoit-Vical, who have been selected to receive the National Junior Award, Yasmine Belkaid, winner of the Mid-Career Award, and Patrice Courvalin, Emeritus Professor at the Institut Pasteur and winner of the Senior Award.

The symposium will be opened by Christian Bréchot, President of the Institut Pasteur and will be co-chaired by Professor Pascale Cossart and Gary Nabel, Chief Scientific Officer for Global R&D at Sanofi. The lectures will be given in English and each presentation will be followed by an opportunity for discussion.

You are all cordially invited to attend this symposium. The event is open to all. No prior registration is required.

The prize-giving ceremony will be held in the CIS auditorium in the evening.


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