
Creating your own company

One of the priorities of the Institut Pasteur's strategic plan is to strengthen links with industry and business, particularly through teaching and training activities. The Education Department, the MAASCC welcome and support structure for contract researchers and the Research Applications and Industrial Relations Department have therefore decided to introduce a monthly event to encourage scientists to create their own companies.


This event will take the form of a breakfast meeting on the first Tuesday of each month, from 8.30 to 10am. Every month, a speaker involved in business start-up in the area of life sciences will meet together with a small group of scientists, post-doctoral fellows and PhD students from the Institut Pasteur (maximum 20 people).


The first breakfast meeting will take place on December 1, with speaker José-Alain Sahel. It will be held in the meeting room on the second floor of the Duclaux building.


To sign up (spaces are limited to a maximum of 20 people and deadline is on November 26) send email to Lisa Riffaud.
