
Sessions for managers/supervisors: remote management

As part of the measures implemented in response to the health crisis, working from home has now been extended to all staff whose role permits them to do so. This can have an impact on our routines, working methods and relationships with other members of our team.

To promote remote teamwork and effective communication and information sharing within teams, management training modules are being run in November.

The HR training center is inviting managers and supervisors from the Institut Pasteur to take part in one of the upcoming sessions on "Remote management, including in exceptional circumstances":

  • Session 1: November 17 (9.30am to 1pm) + November 18 (9.30am to 1pm) – Held remotely

  • Session 2: November 23 (9.30am to 1pm) + November 24 (2 to 5.30pm) – Held remotely

  • Session 3: November 25 (9.30am to 1pm) + November 26 (2 to 5.30pm) – Held remotely

To sign up

These training modules are part of the management training programs implemented at the Institut Pasteur in connection with its strategic priorities.

Training sessions will be held at a later date for non-management staff to offer guidance for home working and promote best communication practices while working remotely.



•  Registering for a training course represents a commitment, especially since the number of places is limited.

• We would remind you that if you register for a training course, you must attend the entire course.

• The costs of these training courses for Institut Pasteur/OREX entity heads/supervisors are covered under the HR "Training and Skills Development" Plan.
