November 08, 2024
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
As part of the national "Tobacco Cessation Month" campaign starting on November 1, the Occupational Health and Prevention Department is pleased to inform you of several awareness-raising and support initiatives happening this month.
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and is responsible for certain types of cancer (lung, bladder, throat, etc.) and a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.
The national "Tobacco Cessation Month" initiative, launched by Santé Publique France and the French Ministry for Health in 2016, in partnership with the French Health Insurance Fund (Assurance Maladie), challenges smokers to go smokefree for 30 days, as a first and essential step to quit smoking for good.
To support those of you wanting to take up the challenge, the Occupational Health and Prevention Department can offer:
• A quit smoking kit containing tips and practical information that is available to Institut Pasteur staff who make the request.
• An appointment to help quit smoking with a nurse so as you can benefit from personalized counseling and tailored recommendations.
• And on Tuesday November 19, the Occupational Health and Prevention Department will have an information and awareness stand on campus as part of a wider initiative organized by the GreenTeam in the greenhouse. This will give you the opportunity to meet with the teams, get additional advice and check out helpful resources.
These initiatives aim to raise awareness and provide practical solutions to safeguard the health of us all.
Please contact the Occupational Health and Prevention Department if you require further information or to make an appointment.
You may also check out the following resources:
External resources
Tabac : quels sont les risques ? | | Assuré (in French)
Tabac info service (in French)
Mois sans tabac (in French)
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