responsible campus

Ecolunch – 1 hour to find out all you need to know about climate change and your individual carbon footprint

The first comprehensive carbon footprint analysis for the Institut Pasteur, led by the Sustainable Development Department, has recently been launched. The analysis, which the Institut Pasteur is carrying out with the support of the specialist firm Projet Celsius, will quantify direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions on campus and use the figures as a basis for a detailed, bespoke action plan.

The first phase of the process, data collection, is now under way.

In connection with the analysis, the Sustainable Development Department is organizing an ecolunch, open to all, on October 26, from 1 to 2pm, in room CFJ 28-01-01A and via Teams. During your lunch break (feel free to bring sandwiches or other meals), come along and join the discussions on this complex subject with the experts from Projet Celsius!

How are we really doing when it comes to tackling climate change? What can we do to slow it down? Which is more important: flying less or recycling?

The event will include a fascinating interactive presentation featuring scientific facts, fun quizzes and practical examples. Don't miss this unique opportunity to find out more about such a vital issue!

