October 13, 2023
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
In connection with European Sustainable Development Week, the Sustainable Development Department held a CSR (corporate social responsibility) forum on October 3, from 11.30am to 2pm. This was an opportunity for Institut Pasteur staff to find out more and to learn about some best practices that they can implement in their work and their departments.
A number of stands were set up for the event, in collaboration with the Department of Communications, the Procurement Department, the Human Resources Department and the MAASCC and with the support of the GreenTeam Employee Resources Group (ERG), providing an opportunity to discuss a variety of topics, including:
The Institut Pasteur's sustainable development commitments (the United Nations Global Compact, Paris Climate Action Biodiversity, the Manifesto of the French Coalition of Foundations and Endowment Funds to Tackle Climate Change);
Gender equality. The Institut Pasteur obtained 98 points in its Professional Gender Equality Index for 2022;
The disability initiative launched in collaboration with Agefiph;
The GreenTeam, a community that is acting to reduce the Institut Pasteur's environmental impacts;
The Institut Pasteur's carbon footprint analysis, launched in September 2023;
The Reuse room, which is open until Wednesday October 18 before closing for the autumn school holidays;
The Climate Fresk initiative, which you can sign up for;
Editorial communication and best practices;
Digital responsibility;
Sustainable procurement (opting for green products and suppliers, reducing the number of deliveries, grouping orders together).
If you have any questions, please contact the Sustainable Development Department team at campus-vert@pasteur.fr.