October 16, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
From October 8 to 11, the 50 staff members in the Institut Pasteur team took to the virtual starting line of the prestigious "20km de Paris" road race in aid of Pasteurdon. On their own or in small groups, running or walking, in urban areas or in the countryside, they were all connected via the tracker provided by the race organizers to pull off an impressive remote team performance!
The challenge saw some noteworthy efforts in terms of both speed and stamina! One runner covered the 20km in just 1 hour 27 minutes, while others chose to walk – a new option this year – and kept moving for 6 hours!
This event represented a unique opportunity to uphold and promote the values of sport and research. The sporting attitude of the team and their dedication to the cause once again goes to show that, even in these unprecedented circumstances, Pasteurdon has always relied on the collective commitment of staff at the Institut Pasteur.
To support the Institut Pasteur team, Pasteurdon patron Alexandra Lamy recorded a special message of encouragement to cheer them on.