
Interviews with Institut Pasteur scientists for Pasteurdon

This year's Pasteurdon ventured into new territory with some brand new formats that gave scientists the chance to talk about their research and highlight the latest progress in their specialist topics. Two new features were added to the existing range of Pasteurdon initiatives: a podcast series produced by Radio France, and a series of three interviews conducted by Alexandra Lamy.


  • 5 podcasts to showcase the wide-ranging research carried out at the Institut Pasteur

As announced in the October 2 issue of the newsletter, a series of five podcasts, produced by Radio France and presented by journalist Mathieu Vidard, host of "La Terre au carré" on France Inter, was launched on Wednesday October 7.

The podcasts explored five topics: emerging infectious diseases and new outbreaks, antibiotic resistance, cancer, brain disorders and COVID-19, and the Institut Pasteur's role as a sentinel for public health surveillance.

Click on the links below to check them out:


"Emerging infectious diseases and new outbreaks", with Arnaud Fontanet and Sylvie van der Werf. Listen to the episode


"Antibiotic resistance", with Philippe Glaser and Paola Arimondo. Listen to the episode.

"Cancer", with Sandrine Etienne-Manneville and Ludovic Deriano. Listen to the episode.

"Brain disorders, with a focus on the COVID-19 context", with Pierre-Marie Lledo and Chiara Zurzolo. Listen to the episode.

"The Institut Pasteur and its role as a sentinel for public health surveillance", with Christophe d'Enfert and Francois-Xavier Weill. Listen to the episode.


  • Pasteurdon patron chats to Institut Pasteur scientists

In light of the current concerted response to tackle COVID-19 but also the ongoing work in other research fields at the Institut Pasteur, it is more important than ever to give scientists a chance to speak about their work.

For Pasteurdon 2020, the actor Alexandra Lamy, committed patron of the event for the past decade, was the natural choice to host a series of informal chats with some of the Institut Pasteur's scientists. How did the Institut Pasteur respond to the COVID-19 outbreak? What progress is being made in HIV/AIDS research and what are the most promising avenues? How worried should we be about the mosquitoes that are terrorizing us more and more each summer?

Arnaud Fontanet, Michaela Müller-Trutwin and Anna-Bella Failloux each replied in turn to Alexandra Lamy's questions about the current state of research and the key issues related to each field.
With Alexandra Lamy recording her questions in a studio and the scientists on the Institut Pasteur campus, the videos were produced in full compliance with hygiene and distancing measures – but despite the distance, there was a genuine rapport between interviewer and interviewees.

Watch the video of the interview between Alexandra Lamy and Arnaud Fontanet

Watch the video of the interview between Alexandra Lamy and Michaela Müller-Trutwin

Watch the video of the interview between Alexandra Lamy and Anna-Bella Failloux

The Institut Pasteur made good use of these new formats to boost the visibility of all its research fields among the general public and step up its appeal for donations for the 14th edition of Pasteurdon.

The initiatives were promoted on the Institut Pasteur's own social media pages and also on those of celebrities and institutions that support the campaign, and they certainly resonated with new followers of the Institut Pasteur on social media.

