October 02, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
An unprecedented context calls for unprecedented measures – a unique launch event for a unique campaign!
This year, the Pasteurdon launch event on October 7 will be an entirely online affair.
Make sure you are ready with your computer, tablet or smartphone at 12 noon to watch the live launch of the 14th edition.
Despite the ongoing pandemic, this year's campaign is ramping up its efforts to further boost the visibility of the wide-ranging research carried out by the Institut Pasteur's scientists. It is vital to continue raising awareness among the general public of the importance of research for public health.
Let's defend research together! And let's launch Pasteurdon together on October 7. Get connected!
Keep an eye on your inbox – you will soon be receiving an email with a link to join the event.
Pasteurdon is supported by the actor Alexandra Lamy, the event's loyal and generous patron for the past 10 years. She is looking forward to seeing you on October 7, but in the meantime she has a message for you.