
Get ePasteurized!

As we prepare for the launch of ePasteur, this week the newsletter team is giving you a further glimpse into this mammoth project! The project to revamp Webcampus began one year ago, with the involvement of multiple departments and several intranet contributors and users. To mark this symbolic milestone, after giving you a sneak preview of the new design in last week's newsletter (link to the BIP on October 13), we invite you to take a closer look at the ePasteur project by hearing from those who have been involved in getting it off the ground.

The project – which aims to provide those working on campus with a tool that reflects its structure and organization and meets the Institut Pasteur's needs in terms of communication and collaboration, so that we can work together more effectively – has required a team effort, divided into several stages and involving people with a wide range of expertise in different fields. To ensure the success of all the stages of this revamp, led by the Department of Communications and the Information Systems Department, the Institut Pasteur drew on the expertise of external service providers (a dedicated project manager, graphic designers and developers) and also on the efforts of several contributors from the Institut Pasteur.

After setting up a dedicated project team (project manager, Department of Communications and Information Systems Department), the future ePasteur environment was developed through a series of meetings, workshops and discussions on design and usability, followed by the organization and integration of all the information it needed to contain. Today, the newsletter is presenting some thoughts from those who contributed to each of the key stages of the revamp project.

An overhaul rooted in graphic design and usability


Check out the testimonies from Frédéric Veldeman, an expert in intranet design, and Anne Beaumel, artistic director, whose approach for this project involved organizing the content on the key pages, selecting the most suitable components and creating a design that would reflect both the spirit of the Institut Pasteur and the teamwork needed for scientific research.


I am an expert in intranet design and I had the pleasure of designing the screens for ePasteur by selecting the most suitable technical components. I hope that this new digital experience will live up to your expectations.

Frédéric Veldeman



I was pleased to serve as artistic director and to implement the new design for the ePasteur screens. I am passionate about my work and I like producing things that are appealing and enjoyable to look at. I hope that the curvy design and bright colors of the new intranet will bring a new dynamic to your content and your day-to-day working life.


Anne Chevalier Beaumel



Organizing content to provide structured, clear, up-to-date information

Alongside the design and usability aspects, one of the challenges of the revamp was to give Institut Pasteur employees targeted, structured, clear and up-to-date content. It was only after several discussions and a co-design approach, once again with contributors specializing in various areas, that the basis of the future intranet was developed and fine-tuned.


There's a lot going on on our campus, which brings together a wide variety of professions, each with their own challenges and needs. So the tool that will bring us all together to share the information that's essential to our daily lives plays a crucial role. Diving into the redesign of Webcampus and the birth of the new ePasteur was a great challenge! And I'm convinced that our new platform will reflect the work that went into shaping it: collaborative, joyful and, above all, efficient and useful to us all!


Guillaume Frasca, department manager


I'm delighted to have been involved in this ambitious project from the outset. Having just arrived at the Institut Pasteur, it was an original way of discovering the many facets of campus life. The diversity of expertise, professions and points of view...
Bravo for the effort that has been made, always in a collective spirit, to take into account the specificities of each and every one of us: a real challenge, but one that should ultimately reflect the incredible creative richness of our Institute. I think the result is up to the challenge, for a smooth, practical, useful and informative browsing experience, with just the right touch of fun!


Bérangère Virlon, department manager



Method, agility and cross-disciplinarity

Following on from the previous stages, a complex process of migrating and updating existing content and producing new content began. To ensure that this crucial stage would go smoothly and to allow contributors from each department to incorporate their own content, the project adopted the "Agile" project management methodology. This method is popular in computer science but it was adapted here to the specific Institut Pasteur context, with content providers also becoming content integrators in addition to their other tasks. At the beginning of the year, the ePasteur project manager, Marie-Claude Sainte Luce, put together a team of 22 contributors who met on a weekly basis to monitor and integrate each other's content, working on new features and content over three-week periods.

Read on to hear from some of the members of the "scrum team":


 ePasteur is a large-scale project that impacts all departments. The challenge here was to propose a working method that would both coordinate the various actions linked to the project and collaborate with all these departments.  Implementing the Scrum methodology was an opportunity for the project team to work very closely with these teams, while putting the end-user at the center of our thinking.
Working day after day alongside these incredibly benevolent teams, over the past year I've been able to measure their commitment and determination to deliver a tool that lives up to expectations. Thank you again.

Marie-Claude Sainte Luce, ePasteur Project Manager
and Scrum Master*


I found the ePasteur project extremely rewarding, both humanly and technically. In addition to having introduced us to an original work methodology adapted to our needs and a new content management tool (sharepoint), it's a project that brings everyone together.

Endurance, agility, good humor and goodwill were the hallmarks of the teamwork carried out by the contributors over the weeks. This project, supported by a great collective energy, will enable us to offer a robust, clear and modern tool that we're delighted to be able to share with the campus and use on a daily basis!

Amélie Leclercq, contributor for the Department of Communications
and Product Owner**.



ePasteur reflects the values of the Institut Pasteur with a more user-friendly, modern interface, an optimized user experience and improved search functions.
The Information Systems Department space has been designed to inform Institut Pasteur staff about the full range of IT services available to them on campus, together with related documentation.
I am delighted to have taken part in this project over the past few months, from the working groups and workshops on design and structure to the final development of the pages. The Agile project management methodology helped us to map out our objectives in the face of such a daunting task, and also enabled us to measure our individual and collective progress in real time. SharePoint offers us a host of possibilities, with regular updates and new features available to us, and I am excited to see what lies ahead!

Céline Brosset, contributor for the Information Systems Department

What a pleasure it is to contribute to the implementation of ePasteur!  Easier navigation, better-organized pages with spaced-out, structured and more readable content, a dynamic visual universe... the benefits of this modernization for the campus will be numerous. It's also an opportunity to rework and rethink much of our content: we've been keen to ensure that ePasteur meets the information and communication needs of Pasteurians as closely as possible.

As for the project itself, I personally appreciated the great dynamic that was instilled right from the start, with the discovery of a "scrum" methodology adapted to the Pasteurian way of doing things, and the fact that the work was carried out in a cross-functional, good-humored way!

Virginie Ambelouis-Hachard, contributor for the Human Resources Department


 The Institut Pasteur de Paris is a busy research site. The information on the intranet is the lifeblood of a multitude of people who contribute to the buzz of the campus, whether through organized activities or the information you need to "go and find something on the other side"! Helping to set up part of the research training section has enabled me to decompartmentalize and make more transparent all the players and tools involved in this subject, which affects administrative assistants, thesis directors and doctoral students alike.

Deshmukh Gopaul, contributor for the Department of Education


These accounts illustrate the cross-cutting nature of this key project, aimed at providing the entire campus with a modern tool that they can integrate into their working day.

The Department of Communications and the Information Systems Department would like to thank all those who have been involved in the revamp from the very beginning, by offering support, participating in the co-design workshops, contributing to the scrum team or playing a part in various other discussions that helped drive this major project, which the entire campus is excited to see the results of!



Attendu depuis longtemps, le nouvel intranet ePasteur est enfin en phase de concrétisation. D’une technologie et une esthétique qui se veut plus dans l’air du temps, il incarne notre aspiration à dynamiser la communication au sein de l'institut. Je suis convaincu que cet outil moderne se révélera être la pierre angulaire des échanges entre tous.
J'adresse mes sincères remerciements aux équipes engagées dans ce projet, car c'est grâce à leur détermination et leur enthousiasme que nous approchons de cette évolution majeure pour notre communication interne.

Stéphane Fournier, directeur des systèmes d'information



The project team can't wait to unveil the future intranet !


*The Scrum Master is responsible for helping the development teams understand and adopt the Scrum methodology, and also for helping the Product Owner with his/her responsibilities. The Scrum Master organizes the various meetings related to the Agile methodology and makes sure the process is going smoothly and the method is being implemented correctly, providing each contributor with the support they need.
**The Product Owner or PO is responsible for defining and designing a product. He or she needs to deliver on the vision of the product. The PO is the interface between users, the Scrum Master and the development teams.

