Human resources

Healthcare costs – Verspieren

Verspieren hotline for Institut Pasteur employees in November.

Verspieren, which manages the Institut Pasteur's healthcare/provident insurance contract, will be running a hotline to answer questions from staff during November on.

•    Thursday November 9, from 2 to 5pm
•    Tuesday November 14, from 2 to 5pm
•    Friday November 24, from 2 to 5pm
•    Tuesday November 28, from 2 to 5pm

Over four half-days, Verspieren advisors will be available via a dedicated number for Institut Pasteur staff: 03 28 03 87 74
Please note that the hotline is only available to ask questions about the coverage and reimbursement process for the Institut Pasteur's healthcare costs scheme.

Download the Verspieren flyer

