general meeting

16 new members of the Board of Directors elected by the General Meeting on October 18, 2016

At its annual meeting on June 21, the Institut Pasteur General Meeting voted by an absolute majority not to approve the report submitted by the Board of Directors. In accordance with article 11 of the Institut Pasteur's articles of association, this vote meant that all the elected members of the Board of Directors - 16 of the 21 members - had to be replaced. The five ex officio members remain on the Board.


The Institut Pasteur General Meeting met for this purpose on October 18 and elected the following 16 members of the Board of Directors:


1- Four members chosen for their scientific expertise, at least three of whom working at the Institut Pasteur (art. 3B (a) of the articles of association):

  • Fabrice Chrétien, Head of the Human Histopathology and Animal Models Unit,

  • Jean-Claude Manuguerra, Head of the Environment and Infectious Risks Research and Expertise Unit,                

  • Artur Scherf, Head of the Biology of Host–Parasite Interactions Unit,

  • Gisou Van der Goot,  Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)


2- Two members of the Institut Pasteur's non-scientific staff with at least ten years' service (art. 3B (b) of the articles of association):

  • Muriel Hilaire-Soule, Curator of the Pasteur Museum

  • Marie-Noëlle Ungeheuer, Head of the Clinical Investigation and Access to BioResources Platform (ICAReB)


3- Four members chosen for their general, scientific or medical expertise, at least two of whom work or have previously worked in scientific institutions or departments (art. 3B (c) of the articles of association):

  • Geneviève Almouzni, Director of the Research Center at the Institut Curie, Paris

  • Gérard Berry, Professor at the Collège de France, Informatics and Digital Sciences chair

  • Pierre-Marie Girard, Head of the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department, Saint-Antoine Hospital, Paris

  • Antoine Triller, Head of Research at INSERM (French National Institute for Health and Medical Research)


4- Six members chosen for their financial, industrial, business, legal or management capabilities (art. 3B (c) of the articles of association):

  • Michèle Boccoz, Diplomat for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Hubert Du Mesnil, Ponts et Chaussées engineer and Chairman of Tunnel Euralpin Lyon-Turin

  • Susan Liautaud, Independent Director (Susan Liautaud & Associates Limited)

  • Christian Vigouroux, French Council of State Department Head

  • Inès-Claire Mercereau, Advisor to the French Government's Accounting Office

  • Isabelle Lamothe, Senior Executive Vice President, ALTEDIA LHH


The Board of Directors will elect the members of the bureau and its Chairman at its first session, which will be scheduled very shortly.
