
"Introduction to data analysis" course with the C3BI

Under the initiative of the Education Department, the C3BI is setting up a brand new « Introduction to data analysis » course. This course is (primarily) dedicated to first year PhD students of the Institut Pasteur and each of them entering our institute will be automatically registered. Applications from 2nd and 3rd year PhD students and postdocs working at the Institute are encouraged. Applications will be accepted within the limit of the number of places available. In order to answer legitimate questions you may have about the course, we encourage you to spend a few minutes reading the following. 


Course description

This graduate level course will give participants basic skills and hands-on training in biostatistics. It will cover all the steps of an analysis workflow: design, collection, curation, hypothesis testing and data mining (see attached course program).


Is this course mandatory?

Yes and no. As mentioned above, each and every first year Institut Pasteur PhD student will be automatically registered, however it will possible to request exemption (typically for those of our students already proficient in data analysis).


Course’s FAQ:


  • Why this course?

The ever growing usage of high throughput technologies in Biology is revolutionizing the life sciences and profoundly changing its practices. Statistical tools are gaining ground in all disciplines, and there is no doubt anymore that mastering those methods is a key to future research. This will be an important asset for your students, not only during their stay at Pasteur, but only in their further positions and professional life. This will also participate to the attractiveness of our institution.

  • What is the impact on the lab work and what will be hourly load?

Being fully aware of the inherent difficulties of the “life” of a PhD student, we have worked hard to offer something both adequate in terms of content and impacting as little as possible the lab work of the students.

The course will include 50 hours of instruction, over a 5 weeks period, 2 hours a day in the morning. This way students will have their work day almost complete.       

  • What is the content of the course?

The course can be roughly divided into four different topics whose practice is mandatory for those seeking to implement a relevant analysis workflow. Thus, this course will cover basics and practice in Unix, text file management, R and biostatistics. We will focus on the topics useful for scientists working in a lab:  experimental design, hypothesis testing, production of good scientific plots. The exact details of the course are available online (see also

  • Who are the teachers?

The teaching team is composed of qualified and experienced teachers and all the course materials have been extensively tested in other contexts. You can find more information about teachers on the website of C3BI.

  • Where does the course take place?

The course will take place at “Amphithéatre Monod”, either from 9am to 11am (1st group) or from 11am to 1pm (2nd group) between January 16 and February 17, 2017.


For any additional information or any question:

