October 22, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Utopiales de Nantes, established in 1998, is a dedicated meeting place for researchers of all disciplines, science fiction authors and artists, "lay experts" and the general public (around 100,000 people attended the event in 2018). The aim is to bring together a large group of people from different horizons to explore the same topic. The Utopiales serves as a forum for sharing a variety of knowledge and also as a unique opportunity for the different communities taking part, including the general public, to reflect on key scientific and social issues.
The 22nd edition of the festival will take place from October 29 to November 1, and the theme this year will be "Transformations." As is the custom at the Utopiales, this broad theme will be broken down into four sub-topics: transitions, evolutions, adaptations and mutations. The festival will include a series of round tables, exhibitions, lectures, meetings and screenings, featuring a combination of literature, film, art, comics and video games related to science fiction.
"Transformations," "transitions," "evolutions," "adaptations" and "mutations" are notions that lend themselves both to reflecting on what society has gone through and the measures that have had to be introduced since the start of the pandemic, and to describing the actual workings of the virus.
The latter will be the focus of four Institut Pasteur scientists – Sandie Munier, Guy-Franck Richard, Marina Caillet and François Bontems – who will be attending the event this year to inform the discussions and shed light on these ideas by taking part in several round tables:
Friday October 29
The ancient legacy of DNA, with: Jérémy Clotault, Karim Si-Tayeb and Guy-Franck Richard
A changing world, with: Gwen de Bonneval, François Bontems and Isabelle Bauthian
Saturday October 30
Epidemics: a repertoire of situations, with: François Bontems, Christian Lehmann and Sandie Munier
Contagion, with: François Bontems, Nicolas Martin and Christian Lehmann
Monday November 1
Pangolin blues, with: François Meurens, Stéphane Le Mouélic and Sandie Munier
Science School with Professor Zutop – All you ever wanted to know about vaccines but never dared to ask, with: Marina Caillet and Sandie Munier
Science School with Professor Zutop – The Nanoworld, with: François Bontems
Generating an interest in the future of research among the general public, improving understanding of scientific issues and reaching out to society to help boost confidence in science are all challenges identified and supported by the Institut Pasteur, which has made this one of the priority areas of its 2019-2023 Strategic Plan. The involvement and participation of Institut Pasteur scientists in this international event, which combines a unique range of different genres, is a further example of the Institut Pasteur's commitment to opening up science to society.
Find out more about the round tables and check out the program