Campus training

Upcoming training: Business development and applications for biomedical innovation

The HR training center and the Education Center are inviting you to sign up for the "Business development and applications for biomedical innovation" course (university diploma in biological and medical engineering), run in partnership with Sorbonne University.

The aims of the course are as follows:

  • To familiarize participants with the socio-economic and regulatory environment governing the business development of research

  • To learn about working with or in the health industry

  • To provide a grounding for careers in business development

  • To understand about protecting innovation, entrepreneurship in biomedicine, public-private partnerships, etc.

Target audience: scientists (including PhD students and post-doctoral fellows), engineers, physicians, administrative staff involved in the field and all health professionals working in biomedicine.

Note: a university diploma in biological and medical engineering will be awarded to participants who attend all sessions and who present and defend a thesis in the autumn following the course.
Course dates: January 13-15, January 26-29 and March 9-12, 2021 (11 days)

Deadline for applications: December 15, 2020

Sign up and find out more (in French)

Find out more

Registering for a training course represents a commitment, especially since the number of places is limited because of the current COVID-19 situation. We would remind you that if you register for a training course, you must attend the entire course.

The costs of these training courses are covered for Institut Pasteur employees and OREX staff under the HR "Training and Skills Development" Plan.


