
107th issue of the "Lettre de l'Institut Pasteur" out now!

The latest issue of the quarterly newsletter for Institut Pasteur donors – the "Lettre de l'Institut Pasteur" (LIP) – has just been published.

It contains a special feature on the microbes that threaten our diet. This is an excellent opportunity to take a closer look at the work carried out by the teams at the Institut Pasteur, which is recognized worldwide for the excellence of its research on infectious diseases (including foodborne infections) and is particularly responsible for monitoring six foodborne diseases in humans via four of its National Reference Centers: listeriosis, salmonellosis, enterohemorrhagic E. Coli infection, shigellosis, botulism and cholera.

Consult the 107th issue of the LIP (in French)

All the various divisions, departments and units will receive copies of this new issue starting Monday October 28. Please contact Evelyne Aubin ( if you require additional copies.

