October 04, 2019
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
For the first time, from October 15, 2019, the Institut Pasteur is launching a MOOC on the leading digital platform for the African continent – the platform of the Virtual University of Senegal (UVS).
This MOOC, entitled "Resistance to antibacterial agents", led by Patrick Trieu-Cuot, Didier Mazel (Institut Pasteur in Paris) and Béatrice Berçot (University of Paris), was released on the French FUN platform in 2018. It proved to be hugely popular, attracting 3,260 learners in 125 countries.
The new launch is the result of excellent cooperation between the Institut Pasteur de Dakar, the Institut Pasteur in Paris and the Virtual University of Senegal. Since the Institut Pasteur launched its MOOC program in 2015, approximately a quarter of learners have come from Africa.
The aim of this new initiative is to make the Institut Pasteur's MOOCs more easily accessible on the African continent, to physicians, scientists, students, healthcare workers and staff working in agencies and NGOs.
The Institut Pasteur de Dakar is a leading institute in Senegal, and more widely in Africa, in distributing knowledge using digital technologies. It has an online teaching platform and plays an active part in various teaching and training courses at national and international level.
The Virtual University of Senegal is an online public university that was set up in 2013. Its mission is to make knowledge accessible to everyone and to be a source of innovation for sustainable development. It is firmly committed to the development of new sectors with a direct impact on society.
The partnership between the Institut Pasteur de Dakar, the UVS and the Institut Pasteur in Paris is set for the long term, with the aim of releasing other MOOCs produced by the Institut Pasteur in Paris on the UVS platform and developing new MOOCs by scientists from the Institut Pasteur de Dakar and the UVS, in collaboration with the digital team at the Institut Pasteur in Paris.