
Upcoming information meeting on the future research center on vector-borne diseases: this afternoon at 2.30pm

The Institut Pasteur management team is pleased to invite you to the latest information session about the future research center on vector-borne diseases (CMTV), where you can find out about the overall vision for the project and the broad timeline. The session will also provide more information about the research infrastructure that will be housed in the building.
After an introduction by Stewart Cole, President of the Institut Pasteur, alongside scientific coordinator Philippe Bastin and Anna Kehres, head of the CMTV project, the project team will present the main milestones and key stages in the project.
This latest event will take place today, Friday October 6 at 2.30pm via Teams.

It will last for 90 minutes.


Join the meeting

The CMTV project, launched in connection with the Institut Pasteur's 2019-2023 Strategic Plan, involves several components:
•   Launch and development of research projects
•   Building project
•   Technology core facilities
•   Organization and operation of the research infrastructure
•   Funding
•   Risk prevention
•   Human resources
•   Communication
•   Sustainable development
Make sure you don't miss the meeting on October 6 (only via Teams) to find out more about this large-scale project that is set to have a major impact on research, health and society.
The Teams link will be sent in an upcoming issue of the newsletter.

