
Check out the series of podcasts produced by Radio France for Pasteurdon

This year's Pasteurdon is venturing into new territory with some brand new formats to continue raising awareness of the Institut Pasteur's research fields and spread the word about the need for donations for research.

This year's new features include a series of five podcasts, produced and recorded by Radio France and presented by journalist Mathieu Vidard, host of "La Terre au carré" on France Inter. The series began on Wednesday October 7 and one episode will be released each day until the end of the campaign on Sunday October 11. Check out the interviews between the journalist and pairs of Institut Pasteur scientists on five topics: emerging infectious diseases and new outbreaks, antibiotic resistance, cancer, brain disorders and COVID-19, and the Institut Pasteur's role as a sentinel for public health surveillance.

To listen to the episodes (in French) that have already been broadcast:

  • Wednesday October 7: Emerging infectious diseases and new outbreaks, with Arnaud Fontanet and Sylvie van der Werf. Listen

  • Thursday October 8: Antibiotic resistance, with Philippe Glaser and Paola Arimondo. Listen

  • Friday October 9: Cancer, with Sandrine Etienne-Manneville and Ludovic Deriano. Listen

And head to for the final two episodes that will be broadcast during the weekend:

Happy listening!




