October 09, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
At 6pm on Thursday October 8, 2020, the Institut Pasteur invited the public to attend a digital conference, streamed live on YouTube with a link from the pasteurdon.fr website, at which several scientists shared their latest findings and discussed their research. Moderated by Jean-François Chambon, Vice-President Communications and Fundraising, this digital conference organized by the Institut Pasteur for the general public on the topic of COVID-19 was followed by nearly 6000 people and featured contributions from the following speakers:
Arnaud Fontanet, Head of the Epidemiology of Emerging Diseases Research Unit, who took a chronological look back at the COVID-19 pandemic
Sylvie van der Werf, Head of the National Reference Center for Respiratory Viruses, who explained the role and missions of the CNR
Christophe d'Enfert, Scientific Director, who discussed the response of the Institut Pasteur and the Institut Pasteur International Network to the pandemic
Simon Cauchemez, Head of the Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases Unit, who shared the results of his research on epidemiological evolution and forecasting
The event featured a round table question and answer session, with topics raised by the public and explored by our scientists, including the origins and evolution of the virus, testing, virology and mutations, the natural history of the disease, vaccines, and health and economic measures.
The event, aimed at the general public and held online because of the health crisis, struck a real chord and reflected the Institut Pasteur's commitment to connect with society, reach out to the public and foster dialog.