
2019 training sessions on how to use fire extinguishers

This year's training sessions on how to use fire extinguishers will be held on Tuesday October 1 or Thursday October 3.

There will be 8 sessions to choose from, each lasting an hour and a half.

  • 9 to 10.30am

  • 10.30am to 12 noon

  • 2 to 3.30pm

  • 3.30 to 5pm

These instructor-led training sessions will take place on campus.

If you are interested, you can sign up by logging in with your user name and password via your Career Portal. 

Follow these steps:

  1. Display the central menu "Catalogue de mon périmètre" (Catalog for my area) and click on "Mon catalogue complet" (My full catalog).

  2. In the left-hand field "Recherche Action de formation" (Search for training), type the keyword "Extincteur" (Extinguisher).

  3. Click on the logo.

  4. Click on the "Maniement des extincteurs" (Using a fire extinguisher) training to see the dates and times of available sessions, which will appear at the bottom of the page.
    Select the session that suits you, then click "Choisir une action" (Choose an action) and "M'inscrire à cette session" (Sign up for this session).

You will receive an email confirming your registration, then an invitation indicating where the training will take place.

If you have any difficulties logging on or signing up, please contact Jean-Louis Pichon:


In the meantime, you can get a first look of the e-learning "Les risques Incendie" training session wich is available in the Talensoft training sessions menu.
