
"Milieu Intérieur" LabEx annual meeting on 9 and 10 October, 2024

The "Milieu Intérieur" LabEx is holding its annual meeting on October 9 and 10, 2024 in the Agnes Ullmann lecture hall (Monod Building-66).

For more than a decade, the "Milieu Intérieur" LabEx has been working to establish a comprehensive baseline of immune system variability. It has established a robust cohort of 1,000 healthy individuals, and examined the genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors, and their impact on immune responses. Recently the cohort was transformed into a longitudinal one thanks to the resampling of almost half of the donors of the original cohort.

Through a series of short talks the meeting will show the scientific progress made and the potential ahead.

This year’s meeting will feature five sessions, each led by a member of the Scientific Advisory Board:   

•    Genetics: Nicole Soranzo – Wellcome Sanger Institute
•    Epigenetics and non-genetics factors: Michael Kobor – The University of British Columbia
•    Microbiome: Jingyuan Yang-Fu – University of Groningen
•    Translational: Benjamin Fairfax – University of Oxford
•    Global: Arnaud Marchant – Université Libre de Bruxelles

Registration is free, but mandatory before October 4.

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