
Training course "From scientific discovery to start-up via technology transfer"

The Technology Transfer and Industrial Partnership Department (DARRI) is running a training course in collaboration with the Human Resources Department entitled "From scientific discovery to start-up via technology transfer," in English, with two sessions per module each semester.

The sessions for the first semester will take place in November 2024 on the dates below.

The four modules in the course cover how an academic discovery in its early stages is transformed into tangible, useful products; how to protect inventions, expertise and software and the relationship between patent publications and scientific publications; collaboration and the different types of agreement negotiated and concluded with industry partners, including license agreements, MTAs and CDAs; the expertise needed to negotiate with industry; and the keys for creating a successful start-up and raising funds.

The course is aimed at all scientists on campus who want to learn more and acquire crucial knowledge on these topics that are important for their career. So why not leave the lab for a short while and develop your career by gaining valuable new skills?

Learn how to transform an invention into a product such as a drug, vaccine or diagnostic kit:
Module 1. Why and how should inventions be turned into commercially viable products?
•   November 19, 2024 – 9.30am-12.30pm

Find out which products (know-how, software, etc.) can be protected by patents, who the inventors are, what to do and what to avoid:
Module 2. What is industrial property?
•   November 19, 2024 – 2-5pm

Boost your confidence in discussions with industry partners and familiarize yourself with the different types of agreement:
Module 3. Business development of research results and technology transfer
•   November 20, 2024 – 9.30am-12.30pm

If at some point in your career you consider launching or getting involved in a start-up:
Module 4. What is a start-up and how do you go about launching one?
•   November 20, 2024 – 2-5pm

Practical information and registration
