Life outside the lab

Resumption of Institut Pasteur cultural and sports activities for the 2023-2024 academic year: come along and check out the activities arranged

Resumption of Institut Pasteur cultural activities


  • La Pasteurale

The Institut Pasteur cultural society, La Pasteurale, will resume its activities from Monday October 2, 2023. It will be holding a fair to present its activities at The 25 on Thursday September 25 from 12 noon to 2pm.

La Pasteurale runs a host of low-price cultural, musical and artistic activities. They are open to anyone working on campus, with no minimum service period required.

Come along to see what's available and attend a trial lesson during the week beginning October 2.

Activities for the 2023-2024 season:

•    Improvisational theater
Tuesdays, 5.30 to 7pm.
Coordinator: Marie Nguyen de Bernon,

•    Drama
Tuesdays, 12.15 to 1.45pm and 6 to 7.30pm.
Coordinators: Anthony Bouillon, (lunch time) and Oumaima Granet, (evening)

•    Drawing
Wednesdays, 12.15 to 1.45pm.
Coordinator: Marie Janin,

•    The inclusive book club   

Two Tuesdays a month, 9 to 10am.
Coordinator: Rachel Torchet,

•    Singing group

Fridays, 12.30 to 1.45pm.
Coordinator: Olivera Francetic,

•    Instrumental ensemble
Every other Thursday, 12.30 to 2pm.
Coordinator: Stéphane Fremont,

•    Guitar
Two Thursdays a month, 5 to 8.30pm.
Coordinator: Guillaume Bouvier,

•    Musical laboratory
Monday to Friday, 7am to 9pm.
Coordinator: Javier Pizarro-Cerda,

•   Brass band

Every other Thursday, 12.30 to 2pm.

Coordinators: Sol Vendrell Fernandez, and Juliette Paireau,

•    Games Library

Wednesdays from 6.30pm.

Coordinators: Maylis Lejeune, and Amaury Vaysse,

•    French Sign Language

Mondays, 12.30 to 1.30pm.

Coordinator: Isabelle Moulherat,

Find out more

Registration form

For further information, feel free to contact the La Pasteurale board: or the committee: 



  • Choir

After a summer break in July and August, the choir began rehearsing again on August 21 and is recruiting new members.

All rehearsals are open if you are considering joining. There are no auditions – the choir is for fun, free of charge and open to everyone to share the pleasure of singing together, regardless of your ability.

They are held every Monday from 12 noon to 1pm in the communal hall in the CSE building (book and DVD library), building 6 – level 0.

If you are interested and enjoy singing, feel free to come along to a rehearsal and/or contact Patrick Weber ( or ext. 3932).


Resumption of Institut Pasteur sports activities

The Institut Pasteur sports club (ASIP) is pleased to announce that its in-person classes will be starting up again on Monday September 18, 2023 for all activities.

Annual registration for the 31 classes available will take place on the same day via the Assoconnect website (you do not need to create an account).

The sports club is not increasing its rates this year
o    €80 for Institut Pasteur staff
o    €90 for OREX staff

Please note that the VAZIVA card distributed by the CSE to replace holiday vouchers (chèques vacances) is accepted on the website.

This year, the club is running 23 activities, which are open to all those working on campus (Institut Pasteur staff, OREX staff, interns, students, etc.), with no minimum service period.

Come along to see what's available and try the activities for yourself when they start up again.

Activities available for the 2023-2024 season:

•    Martial arts: boxing, karate, self-defense, tai chi

•    Wellness and fitness: abs and butt, cardio/strength, fit ball, gymnastics, postural gymnastics, Pilates, step workout, stretching, yoga

•    Running

•    Dance: African dance, line dancing, modern jazz

•    Team sports: badminton, basketball, table tennis, volleyball

•    Subsidized activities: swimming, "Cercle de la Forme" fitness network, squash

More information:

On Webcampus

On Facebook


Want to find out more?

Save the date: The Institut Pasteur cultural society, La Pasteurale, is holding a fair to present its activities in the The 25 cafeteria on Monday September 25 from 12 noon to 2pm; the Institut Pasteur sports club (ASIP) will also be represented.

We hope that lots of you will come along to check out the activities on offer this year.

