September 25, 2015
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The theme of the EMBO Conference was inspired by seminal studies of François Jacob on gene regulation and by his reflection on evolution expressed in a book published in French in 1981: "Le jeu des possibles, essai sur la diversité du vivant" and in English in 1982 “The possible and the actual“, Pantheon Books, in an article entitled: “Evolution and Tinkering” published in Science, 196,1161-1166,1977.
Understanding how organisms evolve and develop in a variety of ecosystems is a major intellectual challenge for humans in general and for experimental biologists in particular.
This workshop will gather leading scientists whose work with a variety of organisms including yeast, plants, drosophila, butterflies, fish, mice and humans has unravelled the role of gene regulation networks during development, and the generation of organismal diversity. Several key questions will be addressed.
The conference will take place at the CIS, from Septembre 29, 2015 to Octobre 2, 2015.
Online registration. Please note that all participants must register online.
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