September 20, 2024
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The City of Paris has drawn up a Tree Charter which takes existing trees and vegetation as input data for new planning projects and states the aim of planting trees wherever possible.
The Institut Pasteur is concerned by all the issues related to trees in Paris: droughts related to climate change, protection of biodiversity and quality of life, as well as the importance of the choice of new species... For this reason, the Foundation chose to join this initiative to safeguard and develop our tree heritage as stipulated in the charter, and notably in connection with its real estate and landscape master plan and proceedings to obtain planning permission for resulting projects including the future CMTV center (one project out of several).
Le service immobilier et technique de la direction de la responsabilité sociétale de l’entreprise et des ressources techniques (DRSE-RT) travaille déjà avec la direction des Espaces Verts et de l’Environnement de la Ville (DEVE) de Paris. La signature de la Charte de l’Arbre par Nathalie Denoyés, directrice RSE-RT, vient célébrer ce travail et s’inscrit dans les engagement et ambitions environnementales de l’Institut Pasteur et particulièrement son adhésion au Pacte Paris Action Climat Biodiversité dans lequel il est engagé depuis 2020.
The Real Estate and Technical Department within the Department of Corporate Social Responsibility and Technical Resources (DRSE-RT) is already working with Paris City Council’s Department of Green Spaces and Environment (DEVE). The signing of the Tree Charter by Nathalie Denoyés, Vice-President Corporate Social Responsibility and Technical Resources, celebrates this work and reflects the Institut Pasteur’s commitment and environmental ambitions and particularly its membership of the Paris Climate Action Biodiversity Pact which it signed up to in 2020.
The charter was signed at a ceremony attended in particular by:
• Philippe Goujon, mayor the 15th arrondissement,
• Carine Saloff-Coste, Director of Paris City Council’s Department of Green Spaces and Environment,
• Christophe Najdovski, deputy mayor in charge of greening public spaces, biodiversity and animal welfare.
The CSR/RSE Department, GreenTeam’s Biodiversity group and the CSE’s "Les Jardins de Louis" section also took part in the event.
If you have any questions, please contact the CSR/RSE Department team by emailing
Photos : Sébastien Toubon