September 20, 2024
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR/RSE) Department, in collaboration with the Cash Management Department and the CSE cycling section, would like to thank all those who took part in this event dedicated to sustainable mobility on September 17. The popularity of the information and bike maintenance/repair stands was all thanks to you.
For those of you not lucky enough to get a space on the maintenance/repair stand, a list of alternative local solutions is provided below:
• Map of bike repair services in Greater Paris (Paris en selle).
• The repair workshop of the Social and Economic Committee (CSE) cycling section: the workshop is open for business on the 3rd underground level of the CIS every Tuesday from 12 noon to 1pm. The subscription fee is €10 and you can join on the CSE website.
• Bike repairs for all: l’Heureux cyclage represents almost 250 DIY bike co-ops out of a total 450 throughout France. The network is deeply committed to active mobility issues and waste reduction. Its remit includes repairs and cycling education and it aims to include a diverse range of people, including those living in remote areas: women, children, people with disabilities, on low incomes, etc.
• Bike repair workshops are making a comeback in stations in Greater Paris
• 17 addresses for bike repairs in Paris
Following on from this event, the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR/RSE) Department is running two online and in-person sessions entitled "La route vue du guidon":
- On Tuesday October 15, from 1 to 2pm (session in English)
- On Thursday October 17, from 1 to 2pm (session in French)
These sessions consist of a 30-minute theoretical presentation on equipment, bike adjustments, risk situations and tips, changes to the highway code, etc. They also offer you the chance to talk to road safety experts, get a quick bike repair kit and take part in a fun quiz held during the last 30 minutes of each session.
There are 40 spaces per session – feel free to sign up!
If you have any questions, please contact: