
Artur Scherf, winner of the Duquesne Award

The René & Andrée Duquesne Award reflects Andrée Duquesne's commitment to and support for scientific research. In her will, Mrs. Duquesne named the Institut Pasteur and the Ligue Contre le Cancer Paris Committee as joint residuary legatees of her estate.

This year, the winners of the Duquesne Award are Artur Scherf, Distinguished Professor at the CNRS and Institut Pasteur and Head of the Biology of Host-Parasite Interactions Unit, and Raphael Rodriguez, CNRS Research Director and Head of the Chemical Biology team at the Institut Curie.

The Duquesne Award was presented on September 16 at the Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, at a ceremony attended by Moshe Yaniv, Emeritus Professor at the Institut Pasteur, and Jean-René Brunetière, Chairman of the Ligue Contre le Cancer – Paris Committee.

Artur Scherf was recognized for his research on the parasite Plasmodium falciparum, which causes malaria in humans. His research led to major advances in our understanding of the virulence mechanisms of the parasite, leading to the development of therapeutic applications for controlling the infection.

Find out more (in French)

Photos: Hafida Fsihi, Jacques Piffret
