September 20, 2024
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Monday September 23 is the International Day of Sign Languages, the ideal opportunity to sign up for an introductory course! As part of its commitment to people with disabilities, the Institut Pasteur is pleased to offer the Institut Pasteur a brand new training pathway in French Sign Language (FSL).
Available on the online training platform, Pasteur Learn, the pathway results from cooperation between the Disability Office, the Department of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), and the Skills and Training Center in the Human Resources (HR) Department.
This online program, aimed at normal-hearing beginners to FSL, was designed by Fondation Voltaire and developed with and by hearing impaired experts. The self-learning course teaches the basics of communication in FSL.
If you’d like to find out more and learn your first signs
Click here to access the modules on Pasteur Learn
Come and test the training modules
As part of European Disability Employment Week (EDEW), which runs from November 18 to 22, 2024, the Training team will be available to introduce you to this new online pathway and for discussions.
Further information
• To find out more about the Institut Pasteur’s Disability policy, visit the dedicated page on ePasteur
• The Disability Office will be available during European Disability Employment Week to continue informing and raising awareness on the topic and present its achievements.
• If you’d like more information about the missions and initiatives of the DEI Department, email:
• Note also: for several years, a French Sign Language learning initiative has been in place on campus through the classes run within La Pasteurale