September 21, 2018
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The next start-up breakfast will be held on Tuesday October 2 at 8.30am, in salle Duclaux, 2nd floor.
We will welcome Pascale Bouillé, founder & CEO of Vectalys, a company expert in gene delivery based on lentiviral vectors (2005-2018) and CEO of its spin-off FlashCell a gene therapy company specialized in the development of RNA carriers (non-integrating lentiviral vectors) for therapeutic applications (2017-2018). Both companies have merged in 2018 to create Flash Therapeutics, a company dedicated to gene and cell therapy using original novel and innovative technologies. Pascale Bouillé is now the CEO of Flash Therapeutics.
Come and meet an innovative and successful entrepreneur who did a postdoc at Institut Pasteur.
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