
Introduction to track cycling for the stars of the summer 2017 "Vivons Vélo" initiative

This summer, the "Vivons Vélo" event took place once again on the Institut Pasteur campus. Keen cyclists and anyone committed to supporting the cause were free to take part in the sixth edition of this sporting challenge.

Several of you came along to push those pedals over three weeks and clock up the kilometers in the François Jacob building. This year's target was to reach a total of 1,500km. And you certainly rose to the challenge, smashing the target with a whopping 1,800km!

To reward your efforts, on Saturday September 16 the eight best cyclists on campus were given the unique opportunity of an introduction to track cycling at the National Velodrome in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.

Quentin Lafargue, one of the best cyclists in his discipline in France, was there to welcome them, present his sport and share his experiences. The Pasteurians enjoyed some precious pearls of wisdom from the two-wheel champion before being given the chance to try out the bikes themselves on the track, supervised by a qualified instructor.

The Department of Communications and Fundraising would like to thank you again for your great performances and unfailing generosity. We look forward to seeing even more of you next year for the seventh edition!

