
Results of the joint 2023 DARRI/Pasteur Microbes & Health Carnot Institute call for proposals

The Technology Transfer and Industrial Partnership Department (DARRI) and the Pasteur Microbes & Health Carnot Institute are pleased to announce the results of their joint call for proposals to support innovative research programs with a positive impact on public health.

•    "Nanoparticles and extracellular vesicles as carriers of herpesvirus immunogens: ANTELOPE" led by Marija Backovic of the Structural Virology Unit (applications: Therapeutics/Vaccines/eTechnology)

•    "Comforting evidence for a new target in immunotherapy using the notch signaling pathway" led by Rachel Golub of the ILC Development and Inflammation team (applications: Therapeutics/Technology)

•   "Chromo Glue" led by Axel Cournac of the Spatial Regulation of Genomes Unit (application: Technology)

•    "Role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the determination of neurodegeneration" led by Claire Pujol of the Mitochondrial Biology G5 (applications: Therapeutics/Diagnostics)

•    "Tackling Clostridioides difficile infections by blocking bacterial growth and toxin production through a phagemid therapy strategy" led by Bruno Dupuy of the Pathogenesis of Bacterial Anaerobes laboratory (application: Therapeutics).

The aim of this call for proposals, coordinated by the Detection and Financing of Innovation Office in the DARRI, was to support innovation development programs in one of two categories:

•    at an early stage by funding the first phases of a potential product (EMERGENCE proposals),

•    at an advanced stage by funding the phases prior to technology transfer (MATURATION proposals).

Each selected proposal will receive funding of between €50,000 and €150,000 over a 1-2 year period.


A closer look at the Detection and Financing of Innovation Office

The Detection and Financing of Innovation Office is tasked with the early identification of innovative research projects that may lead to applications. It also helps scientists to target internal seed funding for their projects to bring them to maturity, which can then facilitate access to external funding.
Several funding and support tools for the various stages in the innovation process are offered by the DARRI, in association with the Pasteur Microbes & Health Carnot Institute, with funding provided over 12 or 24 months.


Your contacts in the Detection and Financing of Innovation Office:


•    Daniel Larzul (Head of department)
•    Isabelle Schmidt
•    Serge Pauillac
