September 23, 2016
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The French National Research Agency (ANR) has now launched its 2017 Generic Call for Proposals.
The Research Contracts Department is available to help you prepare your ANR proposals. Please feel free to contact the department as early as possible ( for help in preparing the administrative and financial part of your proposal and for answers to your questions.
In 2016, the department dealt with approximately 200 pre-proposals. To make sure we can help everyone submitting a proposal, we would ask you to file a request via the BPM application as soon as possible, and by Monday October 20, 2016 at the latest.
1. Collaborative Research Projects (PRCs), Collaborative Research Projects involving Enterprises (PRCEs) and Young Researchers Projects (JCJCs) will be submitted and assessed in two stages. The online submission deadline for pre-proposals on the ANR website is Thursday October 27, 2016 at 1pm (Paris time).
2. International Collaborative Research Projects (PRCIs) are governed by a bilateral agreement between the ANR and a foreign funding agency and will be assessed according to a separate procedure. These proposals will be submitted in a single stage at a later date. The deadline for the initial pre-registration stage is October 27, 2016 at 1pm (Paris time).
The above-mentioned terms do not apply to the other calls and programs in the 2017 Action Plan or to specific European and international calls (ERA-NET, JPI, etc.), each of which has its own specific call document.
Objet: soutenir les équipes de recherche, les équipes médicales et associations, oeuvrant en France, dans tous les domaines de la médecine afin de permettre l’émergence de programmes innovants et humains pour améliorer la prise en charge de la douleur.
- participer à la progression des connaissances et/ou à l’amélioration de la prise en charge de la douleur;
- avoir un caractère d’intérêt général;
- poursuivre un but non lucratif;
- être novateurs ou peu répandus;
- se dérouler en France métropolitaine;
- pas de prise en charge des projets de recherche fondamentale sur modèles animaux.
Echéances: envoi des dossiers: chaque année les 15 janvier, 15 mars, 15 juin et 15 octobre.
Candidature: à envoyer uniquement par e-mail à :
Date limite de candidature: Appel permanent - Prochaine échéance: 15/10/2016
En savoir plus
Objet: Principal appel à projets de l'exercice budgétaire 2017, l'appel à projets générique de l'ANR. est ouvert à toutes les disciplines scientifiques et à tous types de recherche, depuis les projets les plus fondamentaux jusqu'aux recherches appliquées menées dans le cadre de partenariats avec des entreprises et notamment les PME et les TPE.
Il est également ouvert aux collaborations internationales en conformité avec les accords bilatéraux conclus avec des agences homologues. Toutefois, les projets de recherche collaborative (International, PRCI) font l'objet d’un processus d’évaluation spécifique (soumission et évaluation en une étape, précédée d’un enregistrement obligatoire de l’intention de soumettre).
Les champs scientifiques et thématiques ciblés par cet appel à projets sont décrits en détail dans le plan d'action 2017 de l'ANR.
Modalité: Le processus d'évaluation de l'appel à projets générique se déroule en deux étapes.
- Etape 1: Date limite de candidature: 27/10/2016 - 13:00 (pré-propositions)
- Etape 2: clôture de la soumission des propositions détaillées: début avril 2017
Date limite: 27/10/2016 - 13:00
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Purpose: to invite applications for its call to design new solutions to data integration for malaria elimination. This supports innovative solutions for improving data availability and use in decision making for malaria elimination that focus on innovation in interoperability and solutions that will reduce the time for data harmonisation by automation or skill set simplification. This can include the use of machine learning or heuristics, and setting standards. Proposals should increase the availability of interoperable tools or facilitate the adoption of interoperable systems in country. Proposals which explore ICT as a means of incorporating novel data sources are also encouraged. Applicants and solutions that come from sectors beyond malaria, or even outside health, are especially encouraged.
Eligibility: US and non-US non-profit organisations, for-profit companies, international organisations, government agencies and academic institutions may apply.
Budget and duration:
- Phase I grants are worth up to USD 100,000 each for a duration of 18 months
- Phase II grants are worth up to USD 1 million each for a duration of two years
Deadline: 09/11/2016
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Purpose: to invite applications for its call to develop novel platforms to accelerate contraceptive drug discovery. This supports new concepts for contraceptive discovery platforms that can contribute to development of new methods suitable for women or men living in limited resource settings. Applications should focus on developing and validating tools and platforms that would enable drug discovery and how those may be broadly applicable, rather than on discovering and characterising specific compounds.
Eligibility: US and non-US non-profit organisations, for-profit companies, international organisations, government agencies and academic institutions may apply.
Budget and duration:
- Phase I grants are worth up to USD 100,000 each for a duration of 18 months
- Phase II grants are worth up to USD 1 million each for a duration of two years
Deadline: 09/11/2016
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Purpose: to invite applications for its call to accelerate development of new therapies for childhood cryptosporidium infection. This supports the development of new tools and technologies that have potential to overcome the technical barriers in working with cryptosporidium that have historically hampered progress, and to improve our ability to develop and translate active compounds into effective therapies for treatment of paediatric cryptosporidiosis. The goal of this call is to develop broadly applicable approaches that can be used to accelerate development of therapeutic interventions, rather than to support the development of specific interventions themselves.
Eligibility: US and non-US non-profit organisations, for-profit companies, international organisations, government agencies and academic institutions may apply.
Budget and duration:
- Phase I grants are worth up to USD 100,000 each for a duration of 18 months
- Phase II grants are worth up to USD 1 million each for a duration of two years
Deadline: 09/11/2016
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Objectif: aider la recherche sur les maladies infectieuses dans les pays en développement par un prix destiné à récompenser de façon exclusive des équipes de recherche travaillant de manière permanente sur le terrain dans ces pays.
Montant: 500 000 euros, répartis comme suit:
- 100 000 euros pour récompenser, à titre personnel, le lauréat responsable de l’équipe
- 400 000 euros pour financer le développement des recherches de l’équipe
Important: une candidature non retenue les années précédentes ne peut pas être présentée plus de 3 fois
Date limite: 14/11/2016
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Purpose: (i) to invite research applications focused on developing, adapting and testing innovative cost-effective strategies to prevent, identify and manage symptoms of HIV-associated Non-AIDS conditions (HANA) and other comorbidities among older adults with prolonged HIV infection.
(ii) to encourage interdisciplinary research to identify and decrease symptom burden, improve functional capacity, interrupt the progression towards frailty and enhance health-related quality of life among people with prolonged HIV-infection and comorbidities. The initiative encompasses research in both domestic and international settings, especially among groups experiencing health disparities related to race, ethnicity, age, class or gender.
Award Budget: Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
Award Project Period: The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. The maximum project period is 5 years.
Plusieurs dates limites - prochaine échéance: 25/01/2017
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Purpose: to support studies to understand the role of allergen epitope-specific T-cell responses in the pathogenesis and treatment of allergic diseases by utilizing allergen epitope-specific reagents. The FOA will also support novel T-cell epitope identification, characterization and validation of important food allergens and aeroallergens that have not been previously studied.
Letter of Intent Due Date(s): February 3, 2017
Application Due Date(s): March 3, 2017, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Award Budget: Application budgets are limited to $600,000 direct cost per year and need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
Award Project Period: The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. The maximum project period is 5 years.
Plusieurs dates limites - prochaine échéance: 03/02/2017 (letter of intent)
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Objectif: récompenser le travail de recherche accompli et encourager la poursuite de travaux dans le domaine de l'audition.
- Avoir soutenu sa thèse entre le 1 septembre 2014 et le 31 décembre 2016
- Avoir développé un projet de thèse se rapportant à l’audition
- Avoir mené son projet de thèse et soutenu sa thèse en France
- Avoir rédigé sa thèse en anglais ou en français
Dotation: - 1er Prix : 5000 €; - 2ème Prix : 3000 €; - 3ème Prix : 2000 €
Date limite: 15/03/2017
En savoir plus
Purpose: to expand the use of high-throughput genotyping, genomic sequencing, and related genomic technologies, and generate resulting data resources widely available for research use, to improve the efficacy and safety and ease of use of HIV/AIDS therapies and of non-HIV drugs used to treat HIV/AIDS patients, and to reduce HIV/AIDS-related comorbidities, coinfections, and complications.
Award Budget: Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
Award Project Period#: The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. Applications are limited to no more than 5 years.
Plusieurs dates limites - prochaine échéance: 07/04/2016 (letter of intent)
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