
Message from the President on the implementation of the new Charter for the Prevention and Management of Conflicts of Interest

"Dear colleagues,
In March 2014, the Institut Pasteur introduced a Charter for the Prevention and Management of Conflicts of Interest, emphasizing just how much importance it places on this matter. The experience and lessons learned over the ensuing years led to a period of reflection that focused more closely on the specific nature of the Institut Pasteur and its organizational setup.

After several months of work, the Institut Pasteur's Board of Directors adopted a new version of the Charter on March 5. The Charter was approved by the Works Committee on March 29, 2018. It is now available on Webcampus.

The 2018 Charter clarifies the notions of interest and conflict of interest, lays down the principles and obligations for those involved in its application (notably the obligation for all to disclose their conflicts of interest to their line managers and to take appropriate measures to resolve the conflicts of interest; the completion of a Declaration of interests for some designated individuals) and establishes pragmatic procedures for managing sensitive situations.

To ensure the effective implementation of the Charter, an Ethics and Compliance Committee was set up; it held its first session in July 2018. The Committee may be consulted by the President or by the Chairman of the Board about questions related to conflicts of interest and for review of some Declarations of interest.

For anyone required to fill out a Declaration of Interest, the process has been simplified, with a newly designed form which will soon be provided in electronic format. The new version of the document will be available by the end of the year in the Talentsoft space of those concerned by this requirement. We hope that the new form will be easier to understand, more intuitive and simpler to use.

In the meantime, information and training sessions about the Charter, its principles and its application are due to be held to raise awareness of the subject among all Institut Pasteur staff. The exact format these sessions will take is currently under discussion. You will receive practical details in the coming weeks.


Stewart Cole
