September 06, 2024
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Institut Pasteur is organizing a scientific photo contest.
The objectives are multiple:
• Allow students, researchers, engineers, technicians, and other personnel from the Institut Pasteur in Paris and the Institut Pasteur Network to share their work or passion.
• Reveal how scientific work is conducted and give a face to the researchers behind it.
• The images may be added to the Institut Pasteur's photo library and used for communication purposes and exhibitions.
An exhibition of will be held at the institute. A jury including scientists and artists will also select images to be displayed on the Institut Pasteur's fences. If needed, a photographer will take pictures of scientists in their labs to explain pedagogically how the photos are obtained. Different categories of images are accepted (see below). Prizes for the best contributions will be awarded by the jury, and by votes from exhibition visitors.
The different categories of documents that can be submitted are:
1. Optical or electron microscopy photos.
2. "Macroscopic" photos of tissues, organs, people, places, laboratories, landscapes related to Institut Pasteur activities.
3. Short videos related to Institut Pasteur scientific results and activities.
4. Images and artistic works inspired by research. AI use is allowed in this category if clearly indicated.
5. Already published scientific magazine covers.
Photos should be accompanied by a title, a 5-line explanatory caption, and the authors' names and affiliations. Videos should have a maximum size of 50 MB if possible.
Photos should be submitted as a PDF or JPEG file - 300 dpi minimum - 2500 x 3000 pixels minimum, accompanied by a title, a 5-line explanatory caption, and the authors' names and affiliations. Videos should be submitted as a MPEG4 or AVI file, about 10 sec to 1 min.
Deadline for submission: September 30, 2024
The contest organizing committee is coordinated by Laurence Isnard (head of the Institut Pasteur museum) and Olivier Schwartz (director of the Virus and Immunity unit). It includes « la cellule communication du C2RT », with Nathalie Aulner (Technology laboratory & Photonic bioimaging), Jean-Yves Tinevez (Image Analysis Hub), Adeline Mallet (Technology laboratory & Ultrastructural BioImaging) et Michaël Davy (Picture Library & Scientific Information Resources Center), Fabienne Tzvetkov Ricard (Virus and Immunity unit), as well as members from various departments and units of the Institute.