Come along to the Institut Pasteur's Intercultural Festival on Wednesday September 18

Join the teams in the Department for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) on Wednesday September 18 to celebrate the Institut Pasteur's cultural diversity with a fun day of activities. 

This event will showcase the wide variety of cultures among the Institut Pasteur community, while promoting mutual respect and emphasizing the importance of multiculturalism in the workplace. 

Here is the program for the day: 

11am-12.30pm: World cuisine workshops 

•  Three cookery workshops in parallel highlighting different culinary cultures. 

•  Registration required, spaces limited to 40 participants in total 

•  The workshops will be an opportunity to learn new recipes and chat about different cultural traditions. 


To register for these workshops: you will need to create an account on the ‘We Pasteur’ website (formerly with your Pasteur email address. Once your account has been validated, you will then be able to register for the workshop by following this link.

12 - 2pm: International food trucks

•  There will be six food trucks on the CIS forecourt offering specialties from the countries and regions that are most represented on campus (Spain, Italy, United States, North Africa, India and Mexico). 

•  Picnic areas will be set up so that people can sit comfortably to enjoy their food. 

To reduce environmental impact, you are invited to bring your own containers/tupperware to the event.

2 - 3.30pm: Seminar on interculturality in the workplace 

• This interactive seminar will be held in the Émile Duclaux lecture hall or on Teams.

• It will raise awareness of cultural differences to encourage inclusion and respect for diversity in professional settings. 

• The results of the intercultural quiz will be announced and prizes awarded in person (see below). 

Online quiz on interculturality

• An online quiz on interculturality*, open to everyone on campus, will be launched next week and will close at noon on September 18. At the same time, a survey for a new "Babel" section in the CSE (conversation in different languages) will also be available. 

• Participants will have the opportunity to test their knowledge and learn more about cultural diversity. 

• The results will be announced during the seminar on interculturality, with prizes for the top five, chosen by partners in the Institut Pasteur's CSE – including a holiday in France. 

We hope that lots of you will come along to share, learn more and celebrate the wealth of cultures among the Institut Pasteur community! 

*Institut Pasteur, in order to organise a quiz on interculturality, will process your personal data through its service provider Gloria via the Kahoot platform, for the time necessary to award the prizes. For further information or to exercise your rights regarding your data, please contact Institut Pasteur's Data Protection Officer at
