science and society

Joint discussions to be held at the Institut Pasteur on the relationship between science and society

The relationship between research and society is becoming increasingly complex. Society's expectations of scientific research are broadening in a frequently challenging environment, leading to both concerns and opportunities, long-term commitments and new departures.

In November 2017, aware of this context and committed to reflection in this area, a working group composed of several Institut Pasteur staff members (scientists, engineers, administrative members, etc.) launched an initiative to gather feedback and accounts from several of you who are involved in this relationship between science and society, via informal interviews.
The aim of the initiative is to encourage a process of joint reflection that it is hoped will lead to a discussion day for the entire campus in late 2018. The date will be confirmed in an upcoming issue of the newsletter.

To prepare for this event, the working group is keen to extend its one-to-one interviews as a way of contributing further experiences, accounts and personal initiatives to the discussions.

The members of the working group are therefore asking you to contact them to:

  • describe in a few words any initiatives you are involved in outside the Institut Pasteur related to your profession: work with associations, cooperation with non-academic and non-industrial partners, applications of expertise other than within research structures, teaching in non-academic settings, participation in public debates, etc.;

  • arrange a meeting if you would like a more detailed discussion.

Please reply by contacting one of the members of the working group:

Access more general information about the relationship between science and society (in French)
