September 09, 2016
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Reminder: The Institut Pasteur has recently established partnerships with several international European Universities within the work frame of the European Erasmus+ program. This program provides fellowships to students for a training period of up to 6 months in a research center in a European country. Students are selected through a competitive call by their home University and are allowed to choose their host laboratory in another European country.
The host labs are free to request further information, to interview potential trainees and to reject all applications if not satisfied. In agreement with French laws, the host laboratory has to provide the student with the required bonus ("gratification de stage", about 550 euros/month).
If you are interested in hosting an Erasmus+ fellow in your lab, please submit a short project using the form in format .doc or .docx and send it to before 14 September 2016, for internships to start end of 2016-beginning of 2017.
All proposals will be sent to the selected partner Universities. These include: Unipharma-Graduates Projects (ex-Leonardo da Vinci, coordinated by Università La Sapienza, Roma) and University of Pavia (Italy), University of Coimbra Medical School (Portugal), Semmelweis University and Szeged University (Hungary), University of Glasgow and Keele University (UK), University of Vilnius (Lithuania), University of Sofia (Bulgaria), University of Medicine and Pharmacy Victor Babes (Romania), Charles University of Prague (Czech Republic), Stradins University and Academy of Medicine of Riga (Latvia) and University of Tartu (Estonia).
If your project is selected by a candidate, you will be contacted directly by the students.
A second 2016 call for projects will be launched at the end of the year, for internships to start end of Spring-Summer 2017.