
Female members of the Institut Pasteur take part in "La Parisienne"


On Sunday September 11, 2016, a group of women from the Institut Pasteur will take to the starting line for the "La Parisienne" road race.

14199737_10157403463325564_1000025744684309523_n.jpg Valérie, Sandrine, Nathalie and Corinne will be among the 80 female staff members taking part, and all are determined to give 100% as they tackle the 6.6km race. The "Pasteuriennes", sponsored by the start-up company Axenis, are looking forward to this opportunity to get together outside the lab and take on a sporting challenge.

Why not come along and support the "Run for Research" team (meet at 8am on the corner of Avenue de Suffren and Rue du Laos for a group photo).


