September 09, 2022
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Annual Report is a key document that showcases the Institut Pasteur's activities, discoveries and highlights each year. It presents the Institut Pasteur's values and offers a comprehensive overview of its achievements, commitments and action for an entire year. The Annual Report also sets out the Institut Pasteur's ambitions and its research strategy for the benefit of human health.
The 2021 Annual Report was approved at the June 29 session of the Institut Pasteur General Meeting and has now been published. It looks back at 2021, a year that saw a host of scientific breakthroughs and major Institut Pasteur events in a variety of different fields, including COVID-19, cancer, neuroscience, genetics, vaccinology and antimicrobial resistance. The report is published in French and English and the English version is now available.
A paper copy of the Annual Report in French and English was sent to each unit and department this week. If you would like additional copies, please email
The report is also available on the website in English, alongside the French version, so you can browse through and read the document in digital format.
Access the Annual Report and the financial report in French
Pour aller plus loin :
A snapshot of 2021's highlights
A historic fight against emerging infectious diseases
Conversation: Capacity building to prepare for the future
Conversation: 2021, a pivotal year for the Institut Pasteur's future