February 14, 2025
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Purpose: to provide an opportunity for young scientists to spend several years doing independent research in the behavioral and biological sciences, chemistry, engineering, or physics before launching formal academic careers.
Eligibility: fellows must have a recent Ph.D. (received no earlier than December 2013) in an area of research relevant to Beckman Institute research and to be involved in interdisciplinary studies related to one of the Beckman Institute's research themes.
Funding and duration: fellows will be appointed for up to three yearsand willreceive $54,000 annually, plus benefits and a research budget.
Deadline: 30/11/2015
Purpose: to provide to the best and brightest students in the world the opportunity to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong's institutions.
Eligibility: should be eligible to apply candidates seeking admission as new full time PhD students in the following eight institutions, irrespective of their country of origin, prior work experience and ethnic background: City University of HK; HK Baptist University; Lingnan University; the Chinese University of HK; the HK Institute of Education; the HK Polytechnic University; the HK University of Science and Technology; the University of HK
Fellowship Award:
Annual stipend of HK$240,000 (approximately US$30,000) and conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$10,000 (approximately US$1,300) per year for a period of up to three years.
Deadline: 01/12/2015 - 12:00 (heure de HK)
Purpose: to offer the opportunity to PhD students with an interest in molecular cell biology, developmental biology, neurobiology, or biochemistry to train towards a PhD degree in biology, chemistry or physics and to receive full financial support for the duration of thesis.
Eligibility :
- to hold a degree in biology, biochemistry, or related areas
- to be eager to work at the frontier of science in an interdisciplinary context
Deadline: 22/12/2015
Objet: récompenser des recherches concernant la génétique, le diagnostic, la physiopathologie et la thérapeutique de l’hémophilie et de la maladie de Willebrand.
Montant : 5 500 €
Date limite : 31/12/2015
Objet: favoriser l’émergence de programmes de recherche innovants et humains pour améliorer la prise en charge de la douleur en France.
Critères d'éligibilité des projets:
- Participer à la progression des connaissances et/ou à l’amélioration de la prise en charge de la douleur
- Avoir un caractère d’intérêt général
- Poursuivre un but non lucratif
- Etre novateurs ou peu répandus
- Se dérouler en France métropolitaine
Date limite: 15/01/2016
Purpose: to promote research on Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) with specific goals: Increasing knowledge on pathophysiology of the disease; Prevention, diagnostic and treatment of natural or iatrogenic complications; Impact on fetal development, male and female fertility, bone density, immunity, neuro cognition…; Proposition of new therapeutic targets and protocols; Pharmacotherapy; Development of gene or/and cellular therapy models.
- to hold an M.D., Ph.D., or equivalent academic degree
- only one project from a research team will be considered.
- applications for the renewal of an IFCAH’s support are accepted;
- to belong to a European team (geographical extension to teams working from all over the world possible, if at least one of the PI involved in the project belongs to a European team.)
Funding: a total amount of 350.000€ is associated to this program.
- Selected research projects will be supported up to EUR150k (total).
- Funding period: starting at the latest 6 months after notification of the award and not exceeding three years.
Deadline: 18/01/2016 (lettre d'intention)
Objet: ce programme s’adresse à un tandem constitué d’une entreprise et d’un partenaire académique, tous deux membres d’une structure de soutien à la recherche partenariale et aux transferts de technologies : pôle de compétitivité, technopôle, incubateur, société d’accélération de transfert de technologie…
- projets présentant un objectif thématique bien ciblé (pas de mission multi-thématiques) et un intérêt à la fois en termes de coopérations scientifiques dans le domaine et de potentiel commercial.
- tous les domaines technologiques sont concernés.
Deadline: 18/01/2016 (lettre d'intention)
Objet : récompenser un jeune chercheur auteur d'une thèse soutenue dans une université française entre le 01 janvier 2015 et le 31 décembre 2015 et concernant le domaine de l'inflammation.
Eligibilité: Public concerné : chercheurs âgés de moins de 35 ans
Montant : 1 600 Euros (ce montant sera éventuellement à partager si plusieurs lauréats sont ex-aequo)
Date limite: 31/03/2016