December 18, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
In view of the changing health situation, which is less favorable than anticipated by the authorities since the beginning of the lockdown, the French Prime Minister has announced a series of new measures including the introduction of a curfew between 8pm and 6am, starting on December 15. Since this date onwards, you don't need anymore an employer certificate to travel to work during the day, but a new certificate will be needed if you are required to travel between 8pm and 6am for work purposes for a job that cannot be postponed to a different time or performed remotely.
We would draw your attention to the fact that these certificates will only be issued in exceptional circumstances, with the agreement of your manager. They will be provided exclusively for staff whose work requires them to be on campus between 8pm and 6am (for example on-call staff, the Central Animal Facility, the CNRs, the CIBU, etc.).
Staff who need to leave home before 6am may also be eligible for a certificate.
If your work requires you to be on the Institut Pasteur campus during curfew hours, an email was sent earlier this week asking you to complete a SurveyMonkey form in order to enable the Human Resources Department to conduct a survey to determine which staff are concerned.
To enable us to draw up your certificate, please fill in all the fields in the form: first and last names, home address and employee number, time slot, and section 6 to justify your request. When we receive your request, we will send you your certificate by email; it will be valid until January 31, 2021, and we will inform your manager. While waiting for your new certificate, we would suggest that you continue to use your current certificate if necessary.
Since Tuesday December 15, please note that the campus is closed between 8pm and 6am. We would ask all staff without a certificate to adjust the time they leave campus to take account of the curfew.
Finally, we would remind you that the BCP measures in force on campus since the end of October remain applicable until further notice, pending any new government guidelines. These are as follows:
• Avoid coming to campus unless strictly necessary
• Priority given to wet-lab research activities
• All staff who can do so must work from home
• Restrictions on external visitors
• No business trips allowed without special permission
We will be in touch again with any further information as it arises, but in the meantime we wish you all a good run up to the festive period.
The BCP Committee and Human Resources Department