December 18, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The next Start-up breakfast will be held on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, at 8:30 am via Teams (click here) to with Claire Nassiet and Ipshita Singh, EIT Health France, as guests.
Claire is an education manager, and Ipshita is a business creation project coordinator of EIT Health France. EIT Health was established in 2015 as one of the 'Knowledge and innovation community' (KIC) of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), focusing on innovations on health and aging. EIT Health is a dynamic, integrated network with a unique complementarity of public, private, academic, and innovation partners, combining their strengths and engaging their assets to address an aging population's health challenges.
The Institut Pasteur joined EIT Health in June 2020 as a network partner. It is expected that Institut Pasteur teams for innovation detection and acceleration, entrepreneurship, and startup development can support potential innovators on the campus better with EIT health's diverse programs (read the July 31, 2020 edition of the BIP).
Claire and Ipshita will present :
EIT Health at a glance
Programs for startups & business creation
Training programs
Innovation projects & Wild Card
Testimonies / Stories
Please come and learn about our partner, EIT Health, and discuss your future opportunities for entrepreneurship training and startup creation.
To register, send a mail to the Startup Awareness office (