Life outside the lab

Yoga, African dance, drawing, singing: check out the online courses run by the Institut Pasteur sports club and cultural society

The Institut Pasteur sports club (ASIP) and cultural society (La Pasteurale) are determined to give you the opportunity to find out about and take part in their activities despite the current situation. Several courses are already up and running on a remote basis, and more will be coming soon. Contact ASIP and La Pasteurale for further information!



  • Online courses run by ASIP

From January 11 until the end of June 2021, ASIP will be giving you the chance to sign up for online courses. The courses will be taught by ASIP tutors, who will be paid as they would for in-person courses. You can sign up online via the new "Assoconnect" registration platform.

The cost for 24 hours of classes is €60 for Institut Pasteur staff and €70 for Orex and external staff.

Check out the list of online courses available on a once-weekly basis from January 11 to June 25, 2021. If you are interested in a course, please contact the course coordinator directly to find out how to register.

•    African dance
Pre-recorded course available from Tuesday January 12
Taught by Aimée Konan Morvan
ASIP coordinator: Corinne Jamma;

•    Workout, abs and butt
Live course on Mondays from 12 noon to 1pm Taught by Charlène Hoffman
ASIP coordinator: Anne Lassailly-Bondaz;

•    Karate
Live course on Wednesdays (time to be confirmed)
Taught by Jean-Michel Larget
ASIP coordinator: Serge Pauillac;

•    Stretching
Pre-recorded course available from January 11, 2021
Taught by Nouchka Ovtchinnikoff
ASIP coordinator: Florence Desparmet;

•    Yoga
Pre-recorded course available from January 11, 2021
Taught by Nouchka Ovtchinnikoff
ASIP coordinator: Soizick Lucas-Staat;

•    Tai chi
Live course with 40-minute sessions on Tuesday mornings at 8.15am, from January 15
Taught by Lisa Chakrabarti
ASIP coordinator: Sandra Legout;

To encourage the launch of more courses and make sure they reach the minimum of 12 people, ASIP will also be offering free trial courses in January.

Please contact ASIP if you would like to propose a course on a trial basis (


  • Online courses run by La Pasteurale

•    The online games library

The online games library of La Pasteurale continues. While waiting to play face-to-face, we use boardgamearena and discord. Sessions are scheduled Monday and Wednesday evenings, but members of the game library of La Pasteurale who wish can use the whatsapp group to organize more games. Do not hesitate to join us for a discovery session.
Contact :
•    The watercolour workshops
The watercolour workshops of La Pasteurale are coming back online in January! On Whatsapp, the pupils send photographs to our teacher, Marie-Marthe Collin, on the advancement of their artwork to the common group, where the teacher answers by giving advice and examples.
Sessions will be on Wednesdays during lunchbreak. There still are seats available (half season price, first trial session free).

•    The vocal group

During this exceptional period, the Vocal group of La Pasteurale and our coach Alexandre Gallet propose you, each week, individual signing lessons, combined with “live” internet meetings of the group, whenever possible. We are happy to invite you to join us, for a fun repertoire going from Mozart and renaissance music to pop and world music.
