
2021 joint Inter-Carnot Paseur MS/F2E call for proposals

The Carnot institutes Pasteur Microbes & Health (Pasteur Microbes et Santé, Pasteur MS) and Livestock Industry for the Future (France Futur Elevage, F2E) are jointly launching their 7th Inter-Carnot annual Call, aiming to strengthen synergies between both institutes.

  • Who can apply

The 7th Inter-Carnot F2E-Pasteur MS 2021 call is a white/open call to support collaborative projects between scientific teams, which belong to both Carnot institutes (IC). Particular attention will be given to projects focusing on:
•    Antimicrobial and anti-parasite resistance,
•    Emerging and re-emerging diseases,
•    Vector-borne diseases and vectors.

  • Scope of the call

The scope of the call is open as long as it is within the following research topics of the IC:

Pasteur MS research topics:
•    Microbiota and non-communicable diseases
•    Early, rapid and sensitive diagnostics tools
•    Emerging and re-emerging diseases
•    Nosocomial infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance
•    Therapeutic strategies targeting the host – personalized medicine

F2E research topics:
•    Health: animal infection diseases – parasites; insect vectors / microbial ecology / emerging diseases- modelling / diagnostic & therapies / vaccines / precision medicine
•    Nutrition & breeding systems: feed / metabolism / microbiota / animal welfare
•    Genetics: immunogenic / genomic selection

  • Funding

Up to 200k€ for 1 to 3 years.

  • Calendar

•    Opening date : 12 February 2021
•    Closing date : 30 April at 1.00 PM 2021
•    Proposals review (peer-review): May 2021
•    Results/funding start : end of June 2021

Find out more

Download the application file

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